"The Boy on the Yellow Bus"

My sister and I love to read! We don’t always find the time to sit down in a quiet corner and immerse ourselves in a good book but we try and make the effort. It’s amazing how an author has a way of transporting you to another place through the use of words.

From time to time we will share with you some of the books we are currently reading. Since I am the mother of a toddler, today I am going to suggest a great children’s book.

Crystal Bowman is one of our favorite children’s authors. My kids are currently enjoying her recent release “The Boy on the Yellow Bus”. Before I even opened the book, one of the first features I noticed was the beautiful illustrations on the front cover. It vividly displayed a little boy walking up to his school bus. All the way through the book, children of all races are displayed in the pages of the story.

We enjoyed reading how one simple action sparked a chain reaction of kindness. You are taken on a journey where kindness helps to overcome fear, embarrassing situations, mean school mates, and childhood hunger. Biblical principles are shared on how to handle circumstances that might occur in a child’s school day.

After reading the book, I thought about how we could apply these principles in our adult lives. It’s simple, be kind. The last page of the book reads,

You can do important things

no matter what your size

And when you’re kind to others

you’re a hero in God’s eyes.

Today is the beginning of the last week in May. Almost one half of the year is gone.

Start your week by showing kindness…..


From simple gestures like saying thanks to anyone you see in military uniform to baking cookies for your neighborhood fire house, it will make a tremendous difference in someone’s life.

God tells us in the Bible

That we should help and share.

It only takes a little time

To show someone we care.

Share your lunch, pay for someone’s groceries, say “I’m sorry”, or just give out hugs throughout the day, however you decide,

just be inspired to be kind! (Posted by Renee)


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