
 I love this time of year when so many people are graduating.  My oldest son will complete his last year in elementary school and will soon step into the hall ways of middle school-YIKES, every mother's nightmare.
Graduation time is filled with great expectation and positive energy.  The whole world and all it has to offer is ahead of you.  The graduation ceremonies are a huge step of leaving the past behind and walking towards a new future.  This feeling of moving forward  is usually faced with anxiety and uncertainty.  You are unsure of what the future holds but you have graduated to a new place.

I believe that
graduation should not happen only to those who are in school.  One of the biggest mistakes we can make is to think that learning stops when we leave the educational process.  We must forever be challenged to learn and grow.  Many of us are living "stagnant" lives because we won't utilize the creative and productive force inside each of us.  Some of us need to elevate our thinking. 

"I am learning all the time.  The tombstone will be my diploma."  ~Eartha Kitt

What will YOU chose to learn today? As I sit and write this blog my husband is celebrating his 40th birthday.  I remember my father always said, "You don't start living until you reach the age of 40".  Start living and learning!  Don't allow past failures to hinder the great expectation of a bright future no matter your age.

I leave you with the famous words of Dr. Suess:

    You have brains in your head.
     You have feet in your shoes.
     You can steer yourself
     any direction you choose.
     You're on your own.
     And you know what you know.
YOU are the one who'll decide where to go.

     Will you
     Yes, you will indeed!
     (98 and
3/4 percent guaranteed.)

-Excerpts taken from "
Oh the Places You'll Go!" (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. Yea!!! ...Love the Dr. Seuss quote :)

  2. I shared this on my facebook page. Love this post! The word 'stagnant' is not allowed in my world anymore :)

  3. Ladies, I am so happy you enjoyed the post. Dr. Suess is very inspiring :)


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