Things Never Work Out For Me

I recently had a conversation. The person speaking told me, " Things just never work out for me ." I wanted to agree and give into the pity party this person was throwing for themselves. I'm sure there are many people that you know that have the same sentiment. You may even feel this way. You have given up on life and become negative. You feel helpless. Each time you don't get a fair shake in life you get down on yourself. The events of your past caused you to develop a hard shell in your heart so you won't ever get hurt again. Here are a few ways to pick your head up: 1. Change your perspective The person who said these words didn't take time to look at the blessings that were around. We must focus on what we've received. Don't worry about what others have. We spend so much time looking at how the "other" person might be getting ahead. Stop and count the blessings you possess-health, car, job, family, house, et...