Finish Line Friday-Crossing Hurdles-Week 3

Taking on hurdles!
The weekend is hours away and it's already week three of our running series.  Everything you need to start in a training program was discussed in the previous weeks.  If you missed it click here

By this time you probably have your shoes and training attire.  Maybe you've even signed up for your first 5K. 

What happens when you are well into your training program and an injury occurs? 

A broken toe, a sprained ankle, or a pulled hamstring.  They all represent a number of injuries that can attempt to derail you from the ultimate goal of finishing the race.  That's the hurdle I had to face just a few months ago.

I was two months into my training program when I found myself face down on the floor in intense pain and unable to move.  Just seconds before I slipped on the floor trying to run my son into the kitchen before his upset stomach spilled all over the carpet.  It took months to build my endurance to run just three miles and in a moment it all changed.  A visit to the ER confirmed that my toe was broken and I had to take six weeks off from running.

What?  Were they serious? 

Recognize that life happens.  You will have hurdles, obstacles, and challenges to overcome.  It's a part of life.  Don't let it stop your forward progress.  That's the decision I had to make. 

Instead of stopping my training, I focused on building my core strength.  Yoga and pilates became a part of my daily routine.  It's important to listen to your doctor and rest the injured body area.  However, once you are released to engage in light physical activity, modify your training, or try a new routine that will have a lower impact to your body.

Paul shares these words in Phililppians 3:14 (AMP), "I press on toward the goal to win the prize to which God in Christ Jesus is calling us upward."  My prayer is that this post will encourage and inspire you to keep moving toward your goal! (Posted by Renee)

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