Crossing the Finish Line Friday's-Getting Started

Welcome to Finish Line Friday's.   Hopefully you had a chance to watch  the intro video that gives a glimpse into the journey we will take over the next few weeks.  I'm often asked why I decided to run 13.1 miles.  Honestly, I'm not sure.  My girlfriend asked, and after a few days of thought, I said "why not."  I've been training about five months and never imagined that my preparation for the race would provide so many life lessons.

Most don't realize that when I committed to run, I couldn't even jog a 1/2 mile without heavy breathing, knee and back pain.  Despite that fact, my journey started with a decision

Maybe you're sitting there without the ability to even run/jog one minute.  Don't let that intimidate you.  If you have the determination to commit to your decision, you can do it!  Perhaps your training will begin with alternating between a one minute run and a two minute walk.  Whatever it takes, just start and stay dedicated. 

This may sound easy but it can be one of your biggest challenges.

Each week I exercise 5-6 days.  Most mornings I wake up about 6AM and head out for my morning run.  Some of my buddies run at an earlier time.  The promise to keep training cannot be based on a feeling.  There are times when every fiber of my being wants to stay in the bed, however, I get up despite my feeling keeping in mind I Corinthians 9:24-24 (Message) "you've all been to the stadium and seen the athletes race. Everyone runs; one wins. Run to win. All good athletes train hard."

After you make the commitment, sign up for a race.  A 5K (a little over 3 miles) is a great place to start.  It's also a wonderful motivation.  Give yourself about 90 days to train.  Most races will have a nominal fee that normally benefit a non-profit organization.  If you are anything like me, once you have a date to aim for, the excitement builds and you are well on your way to success.  Here's a great article: Couch to 5K Running Plan.

Next week I'll share some important guidelines for buying the right attire.  Remember, place one foot in front of the other and see where the journey takes you......(Posted by Renee)

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