Finish Line Friday-Hair Tips-Week 5

Ready to run UNCF 5K

 My running series is coming to an end and it's hard to believe that my race is next week!  In the previous post I shared my training schedule.  If you missed it click here.  Last Saturday I ran a 5K to prepare my body for race day.  The weather was beautiful and I successfully ran 3.2 miles in under 35 minutes. 

I'm sharing some great tips for maintaining your hair during a training program.  I'm sure there are some that feel this is a vain topic to cover, however, you would be amazed how many women forfeit exercising to protect their hair. 

Francoise "Frenchie" Gomes
For the past 10+ years, I've trusted my hair to Francoise Gomes**, owner of Frenchie's Hair Design.  She's been in the industry for over 20 years and graciously agreed to provide a few tips on maintaining healthy hair. Since there are many differences with hair type, texture, and length, the advice she provided is general in nature.  She highly recommends that you consult with a professional stylist for customized advice.

Tip #1:  Wash hair on a regular basis
  • Most athletes sweat a great deal during a workout.  If you are anything like me, you sweat profusely.  Sweat mostly contains water and salt.  Consistent removal of sweat from the scalp will keep it clean and healthy.  Depending on your hair texture, you may only have to wash the hair once a week.  With a finer hair texture, it's not uncommon to cleanse the hair on a daily basis.
Tip #2:  Keep your hair moisturized
  • The salt component in sweat dries the hair causing it to become dry and brittle. If moisture is not added back to the hair, overtime the hair will begin to shed.  Consider using a shampoo and conditioner that will return moisture to the hair.  Remember to discuss with your stylist which products to use to compliment your hair type. 

Tip #3:  Stay away from heat
  • The use of flat irons, blow dryers, and hot rollers are damaging to the hair.  They also cause the sweat to penetrate deeper into the hair follicle.  Limit the use of these items.  If possible, allow the hair to dry using cool air or let the hair air dry (if time permits).
I will be the first to admit that maintaining healthy hair while working out is a very delicate balance.  You will normally find me wearing a silk scarf over my hair during my runs to protect the hair from humidity.  It's not the cutest option available, but it works for me. 

As women we are blessed to have numerous options available to us.  Whether you have natural or relaxed tresses, wear weaves or wigs, NEVER allow your hair to hinder you from becoming fit and healthy.  Matthew 10:30 states (KJV) shares...."but the very hairs of your head are all numbered".  Since God knows the number of hairs on our head, surely he will give wisdom and guidance in maintaining each one!(Posted by Renee)  

**The tips provided were an excerpt from a conversation during a recent visit.  Frenchie's Hair Design services men and women of all ethnicity.  Frenchie is a Certified Stylist with Design Essentials and Influance.  Click here to visit Frenchie's Hair Design Facebook page.  **

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