Surviving Black Friday

Thanksgiving is on Thursday and that means the biggest shopping day of the year is upon us-Black Friday.  I have over 20 years of retail experience and wanted to share some of my top shopping tips with you.

Black Friday is the biggest and busiest shopping day of the year.  It kicks off the Christmas holiday season.  The key to surviving the big day is to be prepared and have a plan.

Tip #1-Research the stores most important to you

-whether you are buying a washer/dryer, tv or laptop you want to figure out which retailer has the lowest price on that item
-bring all your advertised prices to the store because most stores will MATCH the competitor's price
-use a website that compiles all the information like:

Tip#2-Be prepared to stand in line

-we often laugh at those that are 1st in line and camping out overnight to get a great deal but that is truly one of the ways to get the item you want
-Insider secret: most stores only stock a "few" of the advertised items so get there early

Tip#3-Most stores are opening earlier this year

-Macy's, Walmart, Target are opening at 12am
-Eat your turkey, take a nap and hit the stores

Tip#4-Shop with friends and spread out

-shop in pairs so you can visit different parts of the store at the same time (this increases your chances of getting your advertised item)

Tip #5-Shop online

-some retailers will have black Friday specials online on Thanksgiving Day (while the turkey is in the oven surf the internet to find these hot deals)
-be aware of shipping/handling fees

Tip #6-Bring a snack and wear comfortable shoes

-die hard shoppers know that Black Friday leads to a "shop 'til you drop" mentality
-bring food to stay nourished and wear shoes that will help you quickly move through the lines and traffic

Tip #7-Cyber Monday

-Cyber Monday is the Monday after Black Friday and was created to lure customers to shop online
-Same rules apply-do your research, have a plan and shop from the privacy of your home

I hope you enjoy hitting the malls this holiday season.  Stay calm, patient and enjoy the experience.  Happy Shopping and Happy Thanksgiving! (Posted by Roslyn)


  1. Excellent tips!! To be honest...I'm a cyber Monday kinda gal!!! Have a blessed Thanksgiving and rest up...sounds like you girls are going to shop till you drop!!!


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