What I Know For Sure

Who will be President?  Has the cancer spread?  Will I have enough financial resources to retire?  Will this application help my child get accepted into college?  Who will I marry?  Will I get this promotion?  Do I have what it takes to pass this test?

Our world is riddled with uncertainty, and oftentimes we have to get back to the basics.  Our core values are what sustain us in times of change.  What we know for sure, helps ground us in our mountaintop experiences.  It also helps sustain us during our dark valley seasons.   

Ask yourself, what core beliefs do I know for sure?  

What beliefs do you rely on when life hits hard and fast?  Sometimes we are overwhelmed with trials and adversity. We can also be overwhelmed with blessings and success.  Either way, we must stay true to our morals, core values and beliefs.  I hope this post will inspire you to evaluate what you know for sure.

Here are my top 3:

  • Invest in family
    • Life goes fast.  My oldest son is about to be a teenager in less than a year-yikes!  I remember holding him in my arms after he was born.  I often think, where has the time gone?  Some of the greatest places where I can invest my time and resources are with my children.  I've made hard decisions based around this core belief.  I stayed home for 7 years, making less money and contributing less to my retirement.  I don't cry over spilled milk.  I know for our family, it was the wise choice to make.

  • The words I speak today will impact my tomorrow
    • My life is a sum total of the words I spoke yesterday.  I am a strong believer in the power of your words.  What are you speaking?  Negative words bring negative experiences and people into our lives.  The words you speak attract either life or death.  I am always amazed at the words we speak, yes even myself.  We are among the most blessed people in the world, yet we still complain and allow greed to run our life.  Intentionally choose to speak positive words and words of gratitude.  It will change and shift the atmosphere in your work and home.  Try it!  There is power in your words.

  • God alone is enough
    • It is hard to expound on this point.  The words are simply stated.  I don't need to help God. I don't need to search for other things to make life work for me.  God is enough.  He promises to always be with me.  He provides, delivers, rescues, heals, corrects, guides, sustains and loves me.  He alone is all I need!
Q:  What are your top 3 core values?  What beliefs fuel your actions daily?  Send us a tweet or leave a comment and let us know.  (Posted by Roslyn)


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