Mountain Post #4-Butterfly Catch

We've been sharing some of our fun times from our summer vacation in the Smoky Mountains.  If you missed last week's post, read it here

Butterflies on the ground
 During our stay in Tennessee, we visited one of our favorite places, Cades Cove.  It's a beautiful scenic 11 mile loop nestled between two mountain ranges.  On a good day you can find black bears, deer, and all sorts of wildlife roaming free.  This area is also home to a large species of butterflies.  During our trek, we were blessed to find an area where they were fluttering around low to the ground.  The kids were ecstatic!  They tried with all their might to catch a butterfly.  Their ability to quiet themselves long enough to allow a quick passing butterfly to rest gently on their fingers was more than they bargained for. 

In theory it shouldn't have been hard for them.  All they needed to do was stand still.  If they could remain calm and motionless for just a few quick seconds, they would be able to catch a beautiful insect that can reach speeds up to 30 miles/hour.

What a life lesson!  Everyday we have the ability to stand still and see the power of God working in our lives.  If we could just surrender and yield to His authority, He could handle the most difficult of tasks.  The Bible shares a wonderful story about King Jehoshaphat and his ability to stand still under God's authority.  A massive army was coming against him.  Even though he was shaken by the news, he prayed and trusted God to handle the situation.  God provided all the guidance that King Jehoshaphat needed.  In 2 Chronicles 20:15 (NLT), God declared the following:

~This is what the Lord says to you: ‘Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God’s. ~

Beautiful butterfly catch!

In the same way our children quieted themselves and finally caught the butterfly, when we face adversity in our lives, God wants us to quiet ourselves, stand still, and know that He is able.  It's not your battle to fight, let God handle that for you.  In the end, you will win your battle and catch your own "butterfly"! (unfortunately the 3 year old never stayed still long enough to catch one) (Posted by Renee)


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