Top 3 lessons from my kids!

Life is an open book.  It's the journey of a lifetime with so much to learn.  The other day while cooking dinner, I looked at my daughter and realized that I have learned so much from my babies.  As much as we think we teach them, they have plenty to educate us about.

Here are my top 3 lessons from my children:

  • Read at least 30 minutes a day
    • My daughter LOVES to read.  She reads in the truck, at the dinner table, and anytime she can squeeze it in.  Reading 30 minutes every afternoon is part of her daily homework.  As adults, we should do the same.  Just 30 minutes to quiet ourselves and curl up with a good book.

  • Eat like an infant
    • When my son and daughter were babies, they had the healthiest diet.  Organic milk (from their mommy), fruits, vegetables, and some occasional cereal was the majority of their food consumption.  Their days weren't filled with sugar, preservatives, saturated fat, and sodium.  Removing these substances from your diet can mean a world of difference for your health.

Skipping rocks in Tennessee

  • Slow down, relax and have fun!
    • Kids have a way of making you forget the cares of the world.  They are full of energy and laughter and it's contagious!  Roslyn recently shared about a "silly" day with her boys.  If you missed it, here you go. 

The lessons are simple, but the suggested changes could transform your life journey forever! Share with us what lessons you've learned from your children.  We would love for you to leave a comment below. (Posted by Renee)

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