Muffins with Mom

Mommy/Daughter love!

Recently at my daughter's school they invited the mother's in for a "Muffins with Mom" event.  I didn't know what to expect outside of eating muffins and fruit.  It was a beautiful, French themed affair that each mother shared with their sons and daughters.

The teacher had each student share their favorite memories of their mom.  I was touched by my daughter's words.  They were few in number, but mighty in their power to convey her love and appreciation in good and bad times.  I enjoyed it so much that I wanted to share her thoughts about our relationship.

Dear Mom,
There is a path.  It can be smooth at times, or it can be rocky and rough.  This path is called, life.  It is very long and has many twists and turns.  Through this path, I have a person by my side. 
My mom
She makes the rough path smooth.  I'm glad to have you there to push me and help me strive to be my best. 
I love you mom!
Baby Girl
It's a blessing to have your children offer admiration for your hard work.  Parenting is never easy.  Even in your best efforts, you will make mistakes.  I gave just a glimpse at one of my parenting mishaps in my recent blog post, "I Failed As a Parent".  I hope the words from my middle schooler, inspire and encourage.  Have a fantastic weekend! (Posted by Renee)


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