I recognize that many talented professionals are transitioning due to the pandemic. As I read through my social media outlets it's been endless with layoff announcements. We are now a community. My 2 month furlough also transitioned into a separation from Fossil Group after 12.5 years of service. I am convinced that all the diverse skills and experiences, will now be a catalyst for greater. As someone told me, " you didn't lose your job, they lost you ." Each of you have incredible value that you provided to your company or organization for many years. Don't hold any bitterness against them . This layoff was due to an unprecedented turn of events. It had nothing to do with your performance or worth . I want you to know, there is life after a layoff . The time has come to springboard into your next chapter. No experience, pain, relationship, accomplishment or trial you face is a wasted experience. It's all interconnected to make you the stronger. Don'...