Cancer Found Me!

Two years ago, cancer found me. I became a part of a club that I didn't want to join. It's a diagnosis I never wanted to hear. So many people I know have overcome cancer and so many others have
succumb to it. It's taken me nearly two years to share my story on this blog. I'm still moving through the cancer process but I'm so thankful to still be here!

After waking up in the worst pain of my life in November 2018, Alton rushed me to the emergency room. I was quickly discharged after the physicians told me that a mass on my ovary needed evaluation by my gynecologist. That visit with my doctor never came. After passing out later that evening, the following day I ended up in an ambulance going in and out of consciousness.

My daughter was home when the ambulance arrived. I vaguely remember seeing her sobbing and as any mother would do, I gently whispered, "I'm going to be ok." She knew that my situation was dire yet somehow I didn't even know. I just knew I felt horrible but wondered if the prescribed pain meds were just wreaking havoc in my body.

February 2019
After 2nd surgery
Somehow the "mass" they saw the day before, ruptured and I was hemorrhaging to death. Thank God for the physicians and nurses that attended to me that evening. Their quick actions saved my life. That night after two blood transfusions and emergency abdominal surgery to remove my ovary, I was on the road to healing. 

At my two week surgical follow up, my pathology results led me to a visit with the oncologist. Hearing the diagnosis of ovarian cancer was difficult and the journey that followed was even harder. To make matters worse, I'd just opened my own business just six months before diagnosis. 

Despite having strong roots in Christ, I struggled with fear and anxiety. Most nights I found it hard to sleep worrying how this would all turn out. 

Even though I knew the word of God, trusting it with every fiber of my being proved harder than I ever thought possible. I had to fight in a way I hadn't before. My weapons were:

  • the word of God
  • praise
  • worship
  • thankfulness and 
  • REST

I snuggled with the word of God daily! 

I listened to it, read it, sang it and meditated on it. Learning to REST from my busy schedule was also a vital part of my healing process. I had to surrender with full confidence that God would work everything for my good! Even though I didn't always see what He was doing, He was working on my behalf every moment of every day.

Nearly two years later, I'm cancer free! I have a medical team that is outstanding and such a blessing in my life. 

Maybe you've recently been diagnosed or know someone fighting cancer at this time. I want to share some scriptures that helped me during my darkest moments:

Philippians 4:6-9 (TPT)

Don’t be pulled in different directions or worried about a thing. Be saturated in prayer throughout each day, offering your faith-filled requests before God with overflowing gratitude. Tell him every detail of your life, then God’s wonderful peace that transcends human understanding, will make the answers known to you through Jesus Christ.[h] So keep your thoughts continually fixed on all that is authentic and real, honorable and admirable, beautiful and respectful, pure and holy, merciful and kind. And fasten your thoughts on every glorious work of God,[i] praising him always. Follow the example of all that we have imparted to you and the God of peace will be with you in all things.

II Corinthians 20:17 (NIV)

17 You will not have to fight this battle. Take up your positions; stand firm and see the deliverance the Lord will give you, Judah and Jerusalem. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged. Go out to face them tomorrow, and the Lord will be with you." 

(Posted by Renee)


  1. I love you Sis��Faith in the fire. Thank you for sharing. God is amazing.

  2. I love this Renee, learning to fight in a whole new way. He gives us the weapons and a big key "Rest". Thank you for sharing and testifying of God's faithfulness to walk with us through the storms!

  3. OMG!!!!! Had no idea. You are a walking testimony. I've seen and spoken with you a few times since your diagnosis. You walk and talk Phil 4. I'm soooooo proud of your courage, your faith, your strength, your determination, your discipline and your transparency. Your testimony will certainly be an encouragement to many. To God be the glory for the things He has done are what He continues to do. Bless His Holy Name.

    1. Thank you for your prayers and encouragement! God is so faithful!!


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