I recognize that many talented professionals are transitioning due to the pandemic. As I read through my social media outlets it's been endless with layoff announcements. We are now a community. 

My 2 month furlough also transitioned into a separation from Fossil Group after 12.5 years of service. I am convinced that all the diverse skills and experiences, will now be a catalyst for greater.

As someone told me, "you didn't lose your job, they lost you." Each of you have incredible value that you provided to your company or organization for many years. Don't hold any bitterness against them. This layoff was due to an unprecedented turn of events. It had nothing to do with your performance or worth. I want you to know, there is life after a layoff. The time has come to springboard into your next chapter. 

No experience, pain, relationship, accomplishment or trial you face is a wasted experience. It's all interconnected to make you the stronger. Don't allow self defeating & anxious thoughts to fester in your mind. This is traumatic for many. For others, a weight has been lifted off their shoulders. 

Don't compare your journey to anyone else

You will experience many emotions. One moment you are feeling confident and the next minute you  are sad - this is NORMAL. You now have a treasure chest of skills and rich experiences that you get to offer to the world in a new way.

Next Steps:

Accept The Change 

  • The ground beneath us feels as if it is moving. In the beginning, we thought this would last about 2-3 weeks. Here we are 4 months later and we are still navigating the affects of COVID19. For us in retail, we've dealt with challenging business for years. The pandemic has just accelerated the affects of those weak sales. We have made it through rounds and rounds of corporate restructures and now we have to take time to accept the fact that change (unemployment) has occurred in our lives. It's time to slowly adjust our expectations.
  • The fast pace of any industry causes us to live breathless and frazzled lives. We've been busy with travel, work, kids, etc. and now we have an abundance of time. Our days in airplanes, subways and trains have caused some of us to neglect our physical and mental health. Now is the time to start those healthy eating habits, go to bed earlier, read a book, and get physically active so that we can have the stamina needed for our next chapter. Enjoy the journey to dream again. It's time to possibly launch that new business or idea. Money doesn't rule the world, thoughts and ideas do.
Discover You
  • Because we've had to wear our corporate hat for so many years, now is the time to fall in love with ourselves (again). Take time to think about the incredible skills, relationships and value you contributed to your company. Figure out what is your sweet spot of talent. What is your gift? Once you discover that, don't be afraid to take those transferable skills and talent into another industry. There are many industries that are thriving during this pandemic. 
  • Realize that you are not defined by the role you held during your career. Your identity is not just being a manager, planner, or leader, there is more depth to you than just those titles. Discover your life long purpose. Our world needs experienced thought leaders to positively affect change. Maybe you will take a step back or a step forward. Whatever it is, do it because you are passionate about it and not just feeling stuck.
Can I just take a moment to encourage you? YOU are going to THRIVE in your next chapter just like you have for so many years. No one knows how long it will take. Don't be consumed by a timeline (remember adjust your expectations). Most importantly, be patient with yourself. 

You are smart, intelligent and wise beyond your years. The unknown, the seat of uncertainty, is a very scary place to be. You are used to being in the driver seat and this all feels out of control. But, I believe in you! You can do this! You are resilient and resourceful. 

Wishing you ALL the best! (Posted by Roslyn)


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