5 Things Men Need To Know About Menopause


A few weeks ago, I shared my cancer journey. Did you get a chance to read it? If not, here's the link.

As a result of the diagnosis and the surgeries that followed, my body was thrust into menopause. It was a shock to my system. Many women I know are either in this season of life or close to it. I wanted to share some of my challenges to let the guys in our life know what the heck is going on. 

Just know, this can be a sweet time in a woman's life or it can literally be hell on earth. (Most likely, it's hell on earth). 

For simplicity sake, menopause is the time in a woman's life when there is a decline in reproductive hormones. A woman normally reaches menopause in her 40's and 50's. 

Ok guys, here's 5 things to remember:

  • She's probably HOT

Meaning temperature hot. Personally, the hot flashes are the worst part of menopause. It's not just a typical hot either. It's an internal flame that comes out of nowhere and literally stops my ability to even think straight. On a typical day, I can have anywhere from 7-8 hot flashes. I would suggest not asking too many questions during a hot flash because the only thing that matters is getting cool.

  • After the hot flash she's probably cold!

Yep! You read it right. During a hot flash, you strip off clothes, turn down the air just to get cool. Well, after the hot flash stops, you're freezing. Some women even have cold flashes vs. hot flashes. That's not been my experience but it does happen. A woman can easily need a fan & a sweater all in 10 minutes.

  • Emotions are all over the place

One word or one look, can send me over the edge. I mean get on my last nerves. It's also been a time of increased fear and anxiety. The loss of estrogen in a woman's body plays a significant role in her emotional and mental health. All I can tell you is to walk on egg shells (LOL).

  • Sleep patterns are different

Falling asleep isn't hard for me BUT staying asleep can be a challenge. Alot of times I wake up with wet clothes because of night sweats. Sleeping with a fan on helps tremendously. Some women find it hard to find any rhythm in their sleep pattern. Insomnia can be a difficult part of menopause.

  • Intimacy is different

Traditionally a woman's sex drive is lower during this time. It varies. Talk with your wife about what she's feeling to understand her better.

These aren't even all the challenges of menopause but they're some of the most common. Don't even get me started on hair loss and facial hair growth. 

Guys, I want you to understand there's just alot going on during this time. It won't last forever so please show compassion and empathy. 

Remember these beautiful words from Ecclesiastes 3:1 (NLT):

For everything there is a season, a time for every activity under heaven.


  1. You are so right! I’m on year 3 of menopause and it’s no joke. I’ve experience all of those (except cold flashes) but the worst for me is the messed up sleep patterns. Like you I fall asleep easily but staying asleep is a problem. Thanks for sharing your journey...it helps knowing I’m not alone!


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