Stretch For Stress - Guest Blogger Natasha Maxwell

Natasha and I are friends that intentionally choose to stay connected. We are both foodies. She's an FSU Seminole fan and I'm a UF Gator fan. We are on different sides of the country (literally) - Florida vs California. She is committed to her wellness journey and bringing others along. She personally inspires me with her travel chronicles, short videos and recipe tips on Facebook.

Today, Natasha shares a blog post and video with some stretches that are effective in reducing stress (and who doesn't need that in 2020). Her website is full of incredible food fun and wellness tips.

Natasha Maxwell
The Maxwell Method

2020 has brought out stresses in all of us in ways we probably couldn’t have predicted. From becoming substitute teachers at home for our children to participating in zoom meetings from our living rooms, it is undeniable how much stressful change has come into our lives. If you are out of work, the stress is most likely financial. If you are experiencing weight gain from boredom eating, then likely it’s a type of physical stress on your body. Either way, stress is hard to avoid these days. 

Stress is everywhere.

Let’s define stress for a moment. As a wellness coach, I encounter many descriptions from clients about their stress loads and what stress means to them. Stress means different things to different people. What causes stress in one person may be of little concern to another. Some people are better able to handle stress than others. Awareness around your stress is half the battle in regards to managing the stress you are under. 

Stress is the body's chemical reaction to harmful situations -- whether they’re real or perceived. When you feel threatened, your body reacts in a way that it thinks is protecting you. The body doesn’t differentiate stress - mental stress from an argument vs physical stress from a long run vs cognitive stress like being pessimistic on repeat, it’s all the same to the body

Yes, some stress can be good. The idea of stress management though, is to counteract long bouts of stress which, over time, can cause or exacerbate many serious health problems. If you are struggling right now from things like insomnia, low energy, aches and pains, racing thoughts, etc, there are some ways to better manage these symptoms. 

One of these ways is through stretching, which can reduce the amount of stress your body is carrying and allow you to let go of, through breathwork, some of the negative thoughts that keep you from being in a more peaceful state. Through research, stretching has also been shown to help with insomnia, headaches, and disoriented thoughts. 

Follow along as I share 4 stretches for stress that have helped a number of my clients as well as myself. Commit to these stretches a few minutes each day and feel yourself lighten, relax, and unwind.

My name is Natasha and I a certified nutritionist and fitness coach who helps busy professionals create guilt-free habits to eat well, have more productive workouts, and look and feel their best. I coach on topics regarding Vegetarian Nutrition, Work-smarter Fitness, and relaxation resets.

My Certifications include: Precision Nutrition, Certified Nutrition ProCoach (PN1), National Academy of Sports Medicine, Certified Personal Trainer (CPT). Formal Education: Florida State University, B.A., University of Miami, M.A

Social Handle: @themaxwellmethod


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