What's In Your Brain?

The thoughts twirling in my head on any given day in 2020 are random. As I try to process the amount of information and news to stay informed it can lead to anxious thoughts and nervousness. Sometimes the largest battle in our life isn't happening externally (outside world) it's happening internally (inside us).

Our smiles and normal demeanor can hide the true feelings rattling around in our brain. We mask (no pun intended) how we really feel thinking no one has the time to truly listen. 

WHO wants to hear us complain? 

I hear people say reach out to someone if you are struggling, but honestly most often that someone is too captivated with their own day to day living.

How do we stop the self defeating and anxious thoughts? What do we do after we've reached out to someone and we feel the same way? With each passing day in 2020, there is more and more to frighten us.

I'm learning (not there yet) to sit still. This might be the hardest part of my day, sitting still. 

I sit and breath. 

I sit and refocus my attention. 

I sit and say a prayer. 

I sit and think of 3 things I'm thankful for. 

I sit to shift my focus from the outside world to the strength God provides. 

I sit and thank God for all the blessings surrounding me. 

I sit and surrender my wanting to control everything into the hands of the ONE who truly controls everything. It's in the stillness that I can turn inward and squash those ridiculous negative thoughts twirling in my head. 

What's in your brain today? 

Are you willing to sit still and refocus?

Give yourself just 5-7 minutes to BREATHE deeply. Exhale the CRAP that doesn't serve you well. Inhale peace that God provides. The more I listen to His voice, the more it silences the other voices. (Posted by Roslyn)


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