5 Ways to Overcome Menopausal Weight Gain

  • In a recent blog post I shared about my menopause journey and 5 tips for the men in our lives. Here's the link in case you missed it. One of the side effects that I didn't mention is weight gain. It can be such a big part of the menopause journey that it needed its own post.

If you're between the ages of 45-55 (average age range for menopause), you might have noticed weight gain in your mid-section. You may also find maintaining your weight is much harder than it used to be. I started looking into the correlation between menopause and weight gain after gaining 10 pounds in 3 months.

At first I thought the weight gain was due to COVID. Late night eating, less active days and cooking new recipes can wreck anyone's weight loss plans. Couple that with menopause and it's a horrible duo in any woman's life. Just know that it's not just your body going through changes. 

Women are more likely to gain excess belly weight, especially deep inside the belly, as they go through perimenopause and well into menopause. It's all because the estrogen level drops and body fat is redistributed from the hips, thighs and buttocks (where it used to be stored as a fuel reserve) into the abdomen area. Ideally you shouldn't gain anymore than 5 pounds during this season of life. Anymore than that, can cause inflammation in the body and ultimately lead to other illnesses. Additional factors that cause menopausal weight gain are:

  • Insulin resistance - cells stop responding to the hormone (insulin)
  • Decreased muscle mass
  • Slowed metabolism
  • Sleep deprivation from insomnia
I thought I would share 5 ways I'm trying to reduce my weight:
  1. Hydration - drinking 100 ounces of water daily
  2. Less sugar intake - really hard for me
  3. Reduced sodium intake 
  4. Walking 2-3 miles about 4 times/week
  5. Strength training - twice weekly

Ecclesiastes 3:1 shares: 

There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens.

This is just a season. It will pass before you know it. Even though you maybe experiencing weight gain, please don't be to hard on your self. Embrace your new curves and edges. You are a beautiful masterpiece!  (Posted by Renee)


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