Dealing With The Unlikable

We all have people in our life that are unlikable. Maybe they are annoying, unpleasant, mean, rude or just overall different than us. Ok, most people won't admit it but we all know people that are unlikable. We also encounter those that live with a different set of values. This unique world, allows our paths to cross with all types of people. We interact with those we like, love, and dislike. That's our reality. This pandemic shows how we are all interdependent on one another.

I came face to face (through Zoom) with someone, and we don't share the same values. I was rubbed in all the wrong ways. Now, I naturally can deal with many different personalities but this person was just...I will save that comment to myself.

How do you handle interactions with the unlikable?

What if the one that's unlikable is in your own family?

Again, NO one wants to admit it but it is our reality. We find many reasons and ways to distance ourselves from people, not just geographically but even emotionally. We mask ourselves in busyness. We ignore their phone calls.

Accepting someone's humanity with love reveals how I desire to deal with the unlikable. Accepting their humanity if they share a different set of values.


We all can disagree with someone - how they comb their hair, how they speak, how they live their life, the choices they make. But we are asked to ACCEPT their humanity first

I can VALIDATE and respect you as a person before we start agreeing with one another. Christ accepted and died for me while I was a HOT mess (Romans 5:8). No matter who you live with, there will be moments of disagreeing. That's the result of people coexisting together. It is OK to disagree. 

This holiday we will come face to face (most likely on FaceTime or Zoom) with someone that share different values than us or someone who annoys us. 

Can I challenge you to ACCEPT their humanity first? 

You don't have to agree with them but accept them before you judge them. We often get in the way with our criticism and snarky facial expressions (thank God for masks). Love makes allowances for our faults and theirs. Lead with love this holiday season. 

Happy Thanksgiving! (Posted by Roslyn)


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