We Are All Grieving

As this year ticks away, a shared experience for all of us is that we've grieved something this year. We live in a world where we can walk into success and struggle all within the same day. This past week I have felt anxious, happy, afraid, and relieved. It's been a new skill set to navigate all of the chaos, commotion, emotions and unknown of this year.

This year has been exhilarating in some moments and exhausting in other moments. I grieved not being able to see my mom regularly or feel her hug (Hi MOM! I know you are reading this). I missed being able to see my only niece go to prom or attend her graduation. The same for you - maybe it was a missed graduation, funeral, baby birth, wedding or loss of employment.

Living in an intersection of two extremes takes effort. I want to encourage you quickly with words that were written in the midst of adversity. I'm naturally wired to be positive and optimistic. But this year I've thought about the person who's natural ability goes to negativity, sadness or depression. 

I've learned it's ok to cry and release the pressure bubbling up inside. This year taught me to be honest with my feelings. I've had the time to sit and checkin with myself. Do not try and stuff down any emotion. 

I will never forget this awful time, as I grieve over my loss.

Yet I will dare to HOPE when I remember this:

The faithful love of the Lord never ends.

His mercies never cease.

Great is His faithfulness; His mercies begin afresh each morning.

I say to myself, "The Lord is my inheritance; therefore I will HOPE in Him."

~Lamentations 3:20-24

What have you learned in 2020 in the midst of loss? (Posted by Roslyn)


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