Have You Learned Anything?

It's been 8 weeks. Eight weeks of a solitude think tank for me. Eight weeks of being at home. Eight weeks of seeing my world quickly evolve. I don't think any experiences in our life are wasted. I believe it serves a higher purpose. I've heard many people say that God is trying to tell us something. Well, He certainly has my attention.

The collective breath of humanity will persevere through this moment. Some people will come out stronger, some battered, some with scars and there will be some still wondering what the heck is going on.

What are you learning through this process?

What life lessons will you take away from this moment in history?

I truly believe in the midst of this chaos God will provide clarity

Clarity to know who God is.
Clarity to know how strong we are in Him.
Clarity to know our families more intimately.
Clarity to know all the "busyness" of life is actually quite distracting.
Clarity to understand what matters most.
Clarity to leave a toxic relationship.
Clarity to embrace financial management.
Clarity to finally buy that puppy.
Clarity to take control of your health.
Clarity to save vs spend money.
Clarity to exercise more.
Clarity to see you have more time than you think.
Clarity to have a preparedness plan whether you face a catastrophic storm or a pandemic.
Clarity to dream again.
Clarity to rest and not feel guilty.
Clarity to articulate your emotions.
Clarity to know we are ONE human race.
Clarity to know my actions can affect someone else's health.
Clarity to see we are fragile.
Clarity to retire.
Clarity to springboard into a new career.
Clarity to silence negative voices and embrace God's voice.
Clarity to see God as our ultimate provider.

What will YOU learn? 

The pandemic will end and life will get back to a newer normal. How will you carry on after COVID19? Decide today what matters most. We pray you are staying home to save lives. ~Posted by Roslyn


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