Why Are You Weeping?

As I write this, it's Easter. For the first time on Easter, I've attended church and experienced communion on FaceBook Live. It was nice to gather in my own home with not only my physical family but also my church family. It's been quite a long time that I've dressed for church without wearing Spanx. 😁

There was a beautiful garden and an empty tomb. There was a prophecy declared (Isaiah 53) and prophecy fulfilled. But there was also weeping, sadness, confusion, doubt, fear and grieving on that first Easter Sunday. Mary Magdalene came and found an empty tomb. It was reason to celebrate yet she was confused wondering what happened to the missing body of Jesus.

And they said to her, "Woman, why are you weeping?" ~ John 20:13 NASB

Why was Mary weeping? The empty tomb was a sign of a promise fulfilled. In light of all of the emotions that day, the disciples and Mary forgot the promise that Jesus gave about his death but also his resurrection.

"...Why do you seek the living One among the dead? He is not here, but He has risen. Remember how He spoke to you while He was still in Galilee, saying that the Son of Man must be delivered into the hands of sinful men and be crucified, and the third day RISE again." ~Luke 24:5-7 NASB

They FORGOT that Jesus told them that he would RISE again. This Easter, as our world faces this pandemic, what are we forgetting? What did Jesus tell us? We are panicked because of what we see, allowing that to loom larger than the promise of our Savior. What else are we missing because we are overcome by grief, sadness and weeping?

This Easter is extra special for me. We are still experiencing death, weeping, sadness, confusion, doubt, fear and grieving in 2020 just like on that first Easter Sunday. I am committing TODAY, not to forget His many promises. When you and I do that, our doubt will turn to joy and excitement just like it did for Mary and the disciples.

From Renee and I - Happy Resurrection Sunday! May the peace of our Savior be with you today and always.  


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