When Was The Last Time You Did Something For The First Time?
This is my favorite question to ask, especially in a group setting. It never gets old. Now, it's time for me to ask you: When was the last time YOU did something for the first time? Ahh, are you still thinking? If you think about this question more than two minutes, that means you need to GO out there and have a new experience. Sometimes we just get stuck. We are on the wheel of life going around and around. Only doing the mundane and routine events every day. That can get boring fast. The wheel never stops. Where can we get off? How do we make it stop? What's going to be the NEXT thing that knocks us off our feet? Instead of expecting tumultuous times ahead, try experiencing something NEW . It can be as simple as flying to a new city, trying a new restaurant or taking a new route to work. I challenged my husband to take a new way home from work. GUESS what - it took him less time. The old way isn't always the best way. NEW hair for our 90's party! Renee ...