
Showing posts from May, 2020

Just Don't Care!

Can you believe this was the advice that I gave to a small business owner facing a large hurdle? JUST DON'T CARE ! There are moments in our life that we handle with great care and concern. There are other times when we have to release and surrender away the worry and anxiety. I noticed very quickly that I was spending a large potion of time digesting the fast pace news stories regarding the pandemic. The virus was changing and mutating so quickly the guidelines given seemed obsolete before they were released to the public. We were bracing for a storm that had no "time of arrival". I JUST DON'T CARE ! I am intentional to protect myself and others while I am out in public. I will act as a respectful citizen, but I don't have to hang on every negative news story to feel safe. Psalm 91:11 reminds me that angels have charge over my life. I realized that ingesting all that information was becoming a source of anxiety. When you are faced with situations and e...

Is it really a Happy Mother's Day?

Mother's Day isn't always a joyous occasion. Especially if you've lost your mother. The pain is intense. It is heartbreaking and Mother's Day is just another reminder that she's gone and no longer here with you in the physical. Wouldn't you know that the Bible shares a beautiful story of loss, grief, and the steps that follow. In the first chapter of Joshua, he is also grieving. Joshua is a young man that walked side by side with Moses up until he passed away at the age of 110. He's experiencing grief and pain because Moses is now dead. During the time that Moses led the children of Israel out of bondage, Joshua was right there. Even though this story isn't about a mom and child, it's about a relationship between two people from different generations. It's believed that Joshua was about 50-60 years younger than Moses. In the midst of grieving, God shares the following with Joshua:   After the death of Moses, the Lord’s disciple,...

Lessons From My Dental Retainer

Is it over yet?  Has this all been a bad dream?  Will I wake up and life will return to normal?  Will I be able to go to the mall again? NOPE, not a bad dream. This is REALITY!  It's been a rolling change but we have entered a brand new way of living. 2020 has ushered in a new era. A new level of sensitivity to frailty. It has also expanded our level of understanding how connected we are as a globe. It's not us vs them. It doesn't matter if you are a parent in Spain, Bangladesh or the U.S., you are trying to figure out the best way to protect your family from COVID19. I'm adapting to this "new world" by learning breathing exercises to help cope with stress. I notice that certain conversations, social media post or news stories can start my heart beating faster. In my head I think that I'm calm. My outward demeanor is relaxed and tranquil.  My inward body tells a much different story. Lessons From A Retainer Unfortunately, I had to star...