Saying GOOD-BYE is hard!
At some point in our life, we will have to say good-bye. It might be to a relationship, career, marriage, school, or even an old way of thinking. Realizing that everything does not last forever is sometimes the hardest part. The only constant in our life is CHANGE. Our country went through transition of power on Inauguration day, saying good bye to an old administration and welcoming in a new vision. In my own personal life, I had to say good bye to a special friend. Many miles and ocean water now separate us. Moving away from our comfort zones causes us to sometimes proceed with caution. When you say that final good bye you feel sad and devastated inside. You move forward, but not always really sure how. My friend name is Kanoon, and she was my nail technician for over a decade. She's seen me through some of the toughest and greatest celebrations of my life. She helped me welcome in a new baby, prepared my nails for my 40th birthday shoot, encouraged me through su...