Countdown to Christmas

Merry Christmas
This is my favorite time of year.  I enjoy seeing the lights, Christmas trees and smelling the aroma in the house as we bake cookies.  December should be filled with joy and delight.  Anticipation builds as we get ready to celebrate the reason for this holiday season-the birth of Jesus Christ.

Normally, what I see in people is completely

Think about it. God sent His very own Son to be the Savior of the world.  Jesus' birth was a little different.  His mother was a virgin and he was born in a manager which is a feeding trough for animals. Even in that, He was the anticipated Messiah the world had been waiting for.  He was called Emanuel which means God is with us

The very presence of Jesus indicated new life. A miracle was performed.

Fast forward to the reality of today, and you will find that most people struggle to find any happiness.  We seem to be more stressed with longer to do lists, gifts to buy, and houses to decorate.  Our delight can easily turn into depression if we don't intentionally choose to remember the reason why we celebrate Christmas.

Here are a few ways I try to bring the spirit of Christmas into my home:

-bake Christmas cookies
-make goodie bags for homeless
-read the Christmas story weekly (Luke 1,2)
-smile when faced with a Scrooge
-attend a candlelight Christmas Eve service
-play Christmas music at work/home
-decorate with lights, ornaments and wreaths
-send out Christmas cards
-pray for those who received one of my cards
-speak the words Merry Christmas to others around me

Whatever it takes, find a way to remember the true spirit of Christmas.  Give to those who are needy.  It doesn't take money to give a gift.  It is amazing how a simple hello or a smile can change the mood of another person.

Stress and anxiety can turn into joy if we receive the Baby in Bethlehem as the King of our hearts! (Posted by Roslyn)


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