Keep It Moving

We want to thank each of you for your support of our new blog! We are overwhelmed by the number of people that reached out to encourage us. We are eternally grateful. We praise God for allowing the blog to have international exposure on the first day!

When God gently whispers direction in your life or gives kingdom strategies toward your dreams, we often feel that there won’t be a struggle in our steps toward destiny. Fortunately those obstacles are there to grow perseverance in our lives.

In our pursuit to launch the blog on February 1st, we encountered SO many problems. I snapped a quick photo of the numerous medicines my family took in the days leading up to the launch. We were trying to recover and minimize the effects from the stomach flu and influenza. In the midst of my family fighting for good health, Roslyn’s computer crashed causing her to lose all of her 400+ contacts. Each of these events were distractions from the vision. They were meant to stop the will of God but we refused to allow ANY interruption remove our focus from God’s direction.

In those moments we decided to KEEP IT MOVING!

So there I sat on Saturday, after a few days of rest, with the computer in my lap and tissue in the other hand (hand sanitizer was also close by) while we worked on the blog format. I CHOSE in that moment to center my thoughts and keep going toward God’s will.

What is trying to block your vision? Choose today to KEEP IT MOVING toward destiny!


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